Joomag Blog | Marketing, Sales and Publishing Content

10 Ways to Make Your Content Perform Better and Maximize ROI

Written by Joomag | Nov 17, 2022 11:06:00 AM


Content marketing significantly shapes your business landscape. If you've tasted the sweetness of organic growth, you're well aware of the profound impact it holds. Yet, the aspiration is to secure even better, more uniform outcomes that span enhancing user experiences, deepening audience engagement, refining content distribution tactics, and thoroughly understanding your content's influence.

It's a scenario many find familiar: pouring time and resources into a content strategy, only to discover the results don't quite match your ambitions. Fear not! We're armed with a suite of actionable tips aimed at navigating your content marketing efforts toward not just meeting but surpassing your goals.


Sound like you?


We’ve put together actionable tips to help you drive better results and improve your content ROI.

Amplifying Your Content Impact: 10 Strategic Tips

1. Make Your Content Channels Count

Don’t waste time spreading your message where no one is reading, watching, or listening. A piece of content distributed to the right audience works better than a hundred pieces of content that no one ever watches, reads, or listens to.


The first step is to identify and understand your audience. Where are they most likely to spend their digital time?


For a business audience, the answer may be email or LinkedIn. For a younger consumer audience, the best channels may be SMS or other social platforms.


If you have a mobile application, consider push notifications to draw additional attention to your new content. As long as notifications are not overused, they can speak directly to the people most engaged with your brand.

2. Design Matters: Make Your Content Appealing and Eye-catching

Traditional wisdom may caution against judging books by their covers - but modern marketing studies show that online audiences do just that.


You can maximize the chance of people actively engaging with your content by making sure the content is well-designed.


For example, you want beautiful and eye-catching graphics for content thumbnails.


As importantly, spend the time to develop a strong headline that captures someone’s attention.


As advertising legend David Ogilvy said, “On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”


3. Repurpose, Repurpose, Repurpose: Master the Art of Content Repurposing

Good content has the potential to keep on giving. As marketers like Ross Simmonds advocate, one of the keys to content marketing success is repurposing, promotion and distribution.


A high-quality, long-form blog article, for example, can be converted into dozens of valuable social media snippets. A 30-minute podcast interview can be turned into blog posts, guides, social media updates, LinkedIn posts, infographics, surveys, and videos.


Repurposing offers structure and systems when it comes to creating content consistently. It can also help content resonate across different platforms and channels, as it encourages marketers to customize content.


Lastly, repurposing your content helps your brand message remain consistent yet fresh.



4. Enahnce Engagement By Turning Your Content into Interactive Experiences

Using a variety of interactive assets makes your content stickier, keeps your audience engaged longer, and positions your brand as a value-added resource for readers. Interactive content includes things such as:

  • Videos

  • Photos

  • Slide shows

  • Audio

  • Feedback forms

  • Surveys

  • E-commerce widgets

A platform like Joomag makes it easy to transform a static asset like a PDF into a multi-dimensional piece of content. Why wouldn’t you want to provide readers with multiple options to be enlightened, educated, and entertained?


Another compelling concept is gamification to create highly interactive and engaging.


Take your content to the next level by deploying gamification features like quizzes and mini-games to encourage readers to participate and have a deeper emotional connection.


If your content is enjoyable, prospects, customers, employees, partners, and investors will be better educated about your product’s value.


Last but not least, make it easy for the readers to navigate through your content. Clear headers and style elements like bullet points are good places to start. For long-form content, use a table of contents, easy navigation tools, and internal links to relevant resources.


5. Create Targeted and Personalized Content Based on Data

Optimize your content’s performance by ensuring it resonates with your target audience. You need to understand your audience’s problems, interests, aspirations, and goals.


For example, if you sell health and fitness products, your target audience is probably interested in running, cycling, weight lifting, and yoga.


They may also be interested in topics like healthy eating and how to sleep better. Any article, video, soundbite, or content around these topics will resonate.

6. Ask Your Employees, Harness Their Insights and Expertise

While marketers usually handle writing, distribution, and the promotion of content, there are many people within your organization who have domain expertise and in-depth knowledge about your customers, business, and industry. Better content happens by getting them involved in the content creation process.

To do that you can:

  • Solicit their suggestions and ideas via email, Slack, or meetings

  • Interview them to capitalize on their insight and knowledge

  • Ask them to contribute content; whether it's a blog post, video, or guide.

A company that successfully leverage this approach was Intercom, which has its software engineers write content for its blog.

7. Crowdsource Ideas and Feedback

Gather ideas, questions, and recommendations as your content is consumed. You would be surprised by how enthusiastically readers will suggest content ideas if you ask and make it easy.


One of the most effective ways to generate ideas is by embedding feedback forms into your content. You can encourage readers to tell you what they think about your content or make suggestions.

8. Utilize Content Analytics to Sharpen Your Content Focus

Analyze your content’s performance, and double down on the topics driving the most engagement. Based on this insight and information, create and constantly optimize your content that aligns with your audience’s needs and interests.


It's all about tailoring your message to those most likely to care.


9. Create a Robust Content Calendar

Content calendars serve as the framework for what your business plans to share and promote across different channels. They organize and define content themes and posting cadences to match each social platform’s audience and objective.


Content calendars provide much-needed structure for the content created, who will write, edit and design it, and how it is distributed, promoted, and measured.


A content calendar can also serve as a repository for all the ideas that emerge from marketing, sales, customer success, customer service and product development activities, and employees and customers

10. Take Action Together! Collaborate for Expanded Content Impact

Working well with others is crucial to success almost anywhere. This is the case when it comes to content marketing.


Consider reaching out to other people in your industry to exchange guest blogs. You may want to appear on a podcast - or start your own.


Collaboration can drive brand awareness, so proactively pursue new opportunities and partnerships.



Book a discovery call to learn how we can make your content more interactive, engaging, and stickier.



Q: How can I identify the best channels for my content?

Focus on where your target audience spends their digital time, considering factors like age, preferences, and professional platforms.

Q: What design principles should I follow to make my content more engaging?

Use eye-catching graphics, mobile-friendly designs, and compelling headlines to grab attention.

Q: Can repurposing content improve its performance?

Yes, transforming high-quality content across different formats can extend its reach and relevance.

Q: What strategies can make content interactive and engaging?

Incorporate videos, slideshows, feedback forms, and gamification elements to enhance user interaction.