Everything You Need to Know about Travel Newsletters

travel newsletter

Unlocking the Potential of Travel Newsletters in the Digital Age

People loooove to travel. According to Squaremouth, the average international trip for American travelers costs $6,080. For summer vacations, Americans on average spend around $1,950.


travel newsletter

Transforming Travel Planning Through Digital Newsletters

In today's digital age, the role of travel newsletters has evolved beyond mere updates; they have become an essential tool for inspiring, guiding, and engaging with a community of travelers eager for their next adventure. The advent of sophisticated content marketing platforms has enabled travel brands to craft newsletters that are not only informative but also visually captivating and interactive. This evolution has significantly enhanced the travel planning experience, making it more engaging and personalized.


Travel newsletters now serve as a comprehensive resource, offering everything from exclusive travel deals and insider tips to in-depth guides on local cultures, cuisines, and hidden gems. They cater to a wide range of interests, ensuring that every traveler finds something that resonates, whether they are thrill-seekers looking for their next adrenaline rush or culture enthusiasts eager to immerse themselves in new experiences.


Moreover, the accessibility of travel newsletters means that valuable travel insights are just an email away. Subscribers can conveniently receive the latest travel trends, expert recommendations, and personalized offers directly in their inboxes. This level of convenience and personalization not only empowers travelers to make informed decisions but also fosters a sense of loyalty towards brands that understand and cater to their travel aspirations.


As travel brands continue to leverage the power of digital newsletters, the potential to transform how we explore the world is immense. By providing a curated selection of content that appeals to diverse traveler preferences, newsletters are not just a tool for information dissemination; they are a gateway to unforgettable experiences and adventures.


Benefits of email newsletters for consumers

Scouring the Internet for affordable vacation package deals like it’s your second job? You’re not alone. It’s a drawn-out process and it can take a long, long time. So why waste it when you can have exciting offers delivered to your inbox instead? For the average consumer, travel newsletters are incredibly convenient. Just leave the legwork to the professionals!


Benefits of email marketing for travel brands

Synonymous with email newsletters is email marketing — the process of promoting products or services through electronic mail.


The travel industry is one of the world’s biggest, contributing around $7.6 trillion to the global economy. That’s according to Statista; check out their findings below.

travel industry stats

Source: Statista


Email plays an important role in our professional and personal lives too. 3.7 billion people around the world use it (more than half of the planet’s entire population).


What does it all mean? Competition, and lots of it. But it’s also a great opportunity for travel brands to tap into larger markets with email marketing. 87% of marketers say it’s the most effective lead generation channel out there. With email marketing, travel brands can:

  • Find new customers, retain the ones they already have, and build strong brand identities.

  • Feed leads with new, relevant information and convert them into customers.

  • Catch quality leads and turn them into brand advocates.

  • Provide clients with important details about their trips.

  • Use data to analyze subscriber activity and create relevant offers.

  • Maximize ROI from content. You can earn up to $38 for every $1 spent on email marketing.

  • Establish themselves as industry experts.

Travel agency newsletter tips and ideas 

Newsletters are proactive. By subscribing to yours, people are welcoming you into their inboxes. And that’s a very, very personal space. Here are some useful tips you can use to keep them there.

1. Keep it short

Our attention spans aren’t long. Try to keep your email newsletters around 200 words, or about 20 lines of text.

2. Link away!

Build brand awareness by including links to your blog, website, social media accounts, and other channels you’re using.

3. Get your email list up and running

Choose an email service provider that offers travel-themed templates (more on that later) and email capture tools. You’ll need both to build your newsletter and subscriber base, respectively.

4. Offer incentives

Make ‘em an offer they can’t refuse. Hand out special discounts or coupons when someone subscribes to your newsletter. You can even try running a contest! Just ask for an email address in exchange for an entry.

5. Get creative (and specific) with your content

There are tons of travel topics to choose from. But it’s always best to focus on one in your newsletter. Here are some ideas:

  • Food recipes and dishes from around the world

  • Travel packing checklist

  • 5 things to do before you travel (preparations)

  • A collection of your best photos

  • Travel hacking tips

  • Best travel insurance companies

  • Top 5 lessons learned from traveling

  • How to start a travel blog

  • Interviews from industry experts

  • Round ups of must-read travel articles

  • Special discounts and contests

  • Travel stories

  • “How-to” newsletters that solve specific travel problems

  • Industry news

6. Know when — and how often — to reach out

A survey conducted by MarketingSherpa revealed that 61% of users prefer receiving a promotional email at least once a month. 15% said daily promotional emails wouldn't bother them at all. Altogether, the study concluded that 91% of users don’t mind promotional emails in general. Test the waters and find out which send times work best for you.


Launching Your Interactive Newsletter: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting started: Create a travel newsletter by uploading a PDF file

If you’ve already settled on the look and content of your newsletter, you can upload it to a content marketing platform (CMP) and convert it into a customizable publication.

PDF brochure

Then add engaging visual elements — like videos, photos, and interactive plugins — to keep readers invested. Plugins include feedback and subscription forms, social sharing buttons, and rating add-ons. 


Visual elements grab and hold your audience’s attention. They’re easier to process than text, too. Combining text with strong visual content offers a more comprehensible viewing experience for your readers. Your content is easier to understand, and viewers won’t tire themselves out from reading long lines of text.

interactive elements


Start Creating Your Travel Newsletter Now!

Create a newsletter from a template

Templates save you time and money. Moreover, they look great on all devices. If you’re looking for a little inspiration, a travel newsletter template can help you find it. Select one (they’re everywhere) and edit it as much or as little as you like.

travel brochure template


Essential Features for a Standout Interactive Newsletter

    • Branding: every newsletter you create must be loyal to your brand image. “Brand-ify” yours by including logos or changing its color theme. Branded apps are ideal for reaching out to mobile travelers and keeping them informed of any special offers you’re running.

    • Distribution: use short links to share your newsletters on social media. Link them to your custom domain, or embed content on personal websites and blogs.

    • CRM: use CRM systems to create engaging emails and distribute them to your followers. Launch custom email campaigns, manage contacts, and forge meaningful relationships with your subscribers.

    • Lead generation & management: technology has leveled the lead gen playing field. Today, any agent can generate high-quality leads directly from his or her newsletter.

    • Content analytics: tracking analytics provide visibility into content usage and engagement patterns. Use them!


Impactful travel and hotel newsletters draw more people to your brand. But keeping them there is a different story. If you’d like to learn more, check out Joomag’s free white paper. It’s packed with useful information to help you get started.


Inspiring Travel Newsletter Examples

1. GlobeTIde Travel Newsletter


 2. O.A.T Adventures 

O.A.T Travel



What are some tips for creating effective travel newsletters?

Keep newsletters short, link to additional content, offer incentives for subscribing, focus on specific travel topics, and understand the best times to send emails.

How can I start creating a travel newsletter?

Begin by uploading a PDF file to a content marketing platform, then enhance it with visual elements and interactive plugins.

What should I consider when choosing a newsletter template?

Ensure the template is compatible across all devices and reflects your brand image.


What are the benefits of interactive travel newsletters?

Interactive travel newsletters enhance engagement by incorporating elements like videos, hyperlinks, and animation, making the content more engaging and informative for the reader. They help in visually presenting destinations, offers, and experiences in a more captivating way, encouraging subscribers to explore further and potentially book trips.

How easy is it to create interactive digital newsletters from PDFs?

Transforming PDFs into interactive digital newsletters is straightforward with the right platform. This process allows for the addition of engaging features like videos, links, and animations directly to the PDF content, significantly enhancing the reader's experience without requiring extensive technical knowledge.