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How to Plan, Create and Publish an Online Magazine

Written by Joomag | Sep 21, 2022 9:04:00 PM


As digital transformation sweeps across entire industries, the advent of an online magazine opens up unprecedented opportunities for businesses looking to innovate in marketing, advertising, and audience engagement. Whether you're a startup eager to carve out your niche or an established enterprise aiming to expand your reach, launching an online magazine could be the game-changer you've been searching for.

Why opt for an online magazine? The reasons are manifold. From crafting a global presence that knows no bounds to tailoring content that resonates with your target demographics, online magazines offer a dynamic platform to showcase your brand's ethos, innovations, and insights. Beyond mere promotion, they serve as a conduit for fostering community, sharing thought leadership, and, importantly, understanding your audience through tangible engagement metrics.


Here's everything you need to know about creating an online magazine for your business.

  1. Why Online Magazine?
  2. Planning Your Digital Magazine
  3. Creation: Bringing Your Vision to Life
  4. The Publishing Phase
  5. Distribution and Management
  6. FAQs

Why Should You Create an Online Magazine?

An online magazine can expand your marketing and sales strategies and do much more for your business. It doesn't matter what industry you're in; an online magazine can help you stand out.

  • A major reason to create an online magazine is to provide prospects and customers with information about your products, services, and company. Like social media, an online magazine can promote your business and products.

  • An online magazine creates a global footprint. You can reach more of your target audience by publishing an online magazine. More people can learn about your products and offer them if you reach a wider audience. Furthermore, it can help you promote ideas and thoughts within your field.

  • An online magazine makes it easy to track reader activity. It delivers insight into your readers' actions and how to optimize the magazine’s content and performance.

  • An online magazine is cost-efficient, allowing you to reduce printing and postage expenses significantly.

Ready to begin? Let’s break down each stage of the digital publishing process.


The Planning Stage: Mapping Out Your Vision

Before creating an online magazine or publication, map out your goals and strategy. Planning will revolve around the magazine’s editorial focus and target audience, so start by generating ideas.

  • What kind of content will be published? Is there a specific topic the magazine will cover? These ideas can help sell your product or help your business gain better visibility.

  • The next part is establishing a target audience. What demographics are being targeted? Consider age, gender, geographical locations, interests, and hobbies. Understanding your target audience helps to deliver content that makes an impact.

  • After identifying the target audience, outline the content style for the online magazine. The style can be changed later if something's not working after the planning stage. Some styles to consider are opinion pieces, surveys or quizzes, how-to articles, informational pieces, and profiles. The editorial mix can change as the magazine evolves.

  • With a clear idea of the magazine’s content, you can focus on the different ways to present it. For example, digital magazines deliver more engaging and interactive content than print. It includes videos, photos, audio, slideshows, gifs, feedback forms, and surveys.

The more detailed your planning, the easier the next stage will be, although staying flexible is important.. Be prepared to experiment with your content until you find a formula that works.

Creation: Bringing Your Vision to Life

The next stage in creating a digital magazine is developing the content. It is when you write and edit the articles for the first issue. Again, you’ll need to take your time.

  • The higher the quality of the content, the more readers it will consistently attract. If you're worried about writing and editing a large number of articles, start with a few. It can establish the editorial framework. Then, you can build on the content in later issues.

  • Curating articles for the first issue is only half the battle. The next step is to determine the layout of the issue. Placement and design can contribute to a magazine's reader-friendliness and professional appearance.

  • The layout should reflect the magazine’s style and tone. Choose photos, fonts, and colors carefully while paying attention to the layout's details.

  • Be sure to keep your color palette and designs simple. Too many colors or different fonts can be distracting and make it difficult for the reader to enjoy the magazine.

Publishing: Going Live

After developing the content, it’s time to focus on publishing. There are a few things to consider:

  • How and where would you like to publish the magazine? What is the most effective way to put your magazine in front of as many people as possible?

  • The best option may be to work with a third-party platform that hosts online magazines. These platforms make it easy to create and publish content.

At Joomag, we offer templates and robust features that can help customize your content, including static PDFs.


Additionally, we offer engaging and interactive elements that digitally bring your magazine to life. We’re talking about videos, slideshows, audio, photos, and interactive plugins.


Just as important, Joomag offers in-depth analytics to measure and optimize your content for maximum ROI.


Utilizing a third-party content creation platform is beneficial when creating, publishing, distributing, and managing content.


You can learn more about digital publishing here.

Distribution and Management: Maximizing Reach and Engagement

Now that you understand the basics of creating a digital magazine, let’s focus on distribution and management.


Publishing online isn't enough if you want to reach your target audience effectively. Your magazine must be distributed in different places and by various means.

  • For example, a newsletter or reminder email can be sent to subscribers when a new issue is published. You could also get your readers to opt-in to text or push notifications. An online magazine can be embedded on a website or delivered via a mobile app.

  • Posting on social media may be the most effective distribution channel. The magazine can be marketed using your company's social media profiles, personal social media profiles, or both.

  • To maintain and expand readership, you must manage the magazine’s analytics to track reader engagement with the content.

One of the best things about Joomag is that we do it for you!


We can help you track how readers engage with content on an individual, page-by-page, or publication basis and offer sophisticated tools to filter and segment audiences.


Understanding what readers like and dislike about your magazine is crucial. Therefore, management is a key element in creating your online magazine.


Without it, you could struggle to reach your readers effectively or gain a consistent readership.

Create an online magazine today!

Now that you know how to make an online magazine let’s take the leap and begin creating your own.


Book a discovery call to learn how Joomag can help you launch a digital magazine in minutes.




Enhance Every Aspect of Your Publishing Process with Joomag

Joomag is revolutionizing the way businesses approach online magazine creation, offering an all-encompassing platform that caters to every facet of digital publishing. From transforming initial concepts into interactive digital experiences to transcending the boundaries of traditional formats, Joomag simplifies and elevates the publishing process. Our platform doesn't just stop at delivering in-depth analytics and advanced retention and conversion tools; it ensures your publications captivate through aesthetically appealing, mobile-optimized, and reader-friendly formats.


With Joomag, crafting your online magazine becomes an effortless endeavor. Our tools guarantee that your publication flawlessly adjusts to any screen size, providing a seamless and engaging experience for your readers. Features such as scrollable text, zoomable high-definition images, playable videos, and listenable audio clips breathe life into your content, transforming passive readers into active participants in your brand's narrative.



Q: Why is an online magazine beneficial for my business?

A: An online magazine expands your marketing and sales strategies, provides valuable insights into reader behavior, increases your global reach, and is cost-efficient compared to traditional print magazines.


Q: What should be my first step in creating an online magazine?

A: Begin with planning. Determine your magazine's goals, target audience, content style, and how you'll present this content digitally to engage your readers effectively.


Q: How can I ensure my online magazine's content is engaging?

A: Focus on developing high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your target audience. Use Joomag's interactive features, like videos and slideshows, to make your content more engaging.


Q: What platform can I use to publish my online magazine?

A: Joomag offers robust features for creating, publishing, and managing your online magazine, including templates, interactive elements, and in-depth analytics.


Q: How can I effectively distribute my online magazine?

A: Utilize multiple channels for distribution, including email newsletters, social media, embedding on your website, or through a mobile app. Joomag can assist in optimizing your distribution strategy.


Q: How can I track and improve reader engagement with my online magazine?

A: Joomag provides sophisticated analytics tools to track reader engagement on a detailed level, allowing you to understand preferences and improve your content strategy accordingly.