... and how to avoid them.
Introduction: Navigating Common Publishing Pitfalls
Discover the frequent missteps in the world of digital publishing and learn strategies to steer clear of them, ensuring your content reaches and resonates with your intended audience effectively.
1. Missing the Target Audience Mark
As a publisher, it’s easy for you to write about something you’re passionate about. If a topic captures your interest, your first inclination will probably be to put it into writing. But here’s the problem: what fascinates you may not fascinate your readers. Your audience will know all it needs to know just by looking at your publication’s title. If it doesn’t interest them, you can bet they’ll stop reading right then and there.
How to avoid: you need to think selflessly here. Find out what interests your readers so when they judge your book by its cover (which they will), they’ll be tempted to start reading it immediately afterwards. You can even use Joomag’s tracking analytics to see what readers like about your content and then build off of that to continue your success.
2. Overlooking Aesthetic Appeal
The old saying “content is king” still rings true today. BUT (and this is a big but) you also need to consider how readers will actually start reading your amazing content. Oftentimes, publishers will pay less attention to the design of their publication’s cover page and focus more on what’s inside. This can be a costly mistake. Think of your publication’s cover page as a “first impression bridge.” If it’s great, a lot of traffic will be crossing that bridge to get to your content; if it’s bad, then you’re doing nothing more than burning bridges with potential readers!
How to avoid: pay attention to the visual details no matter how unimportant you think they are. Here are some tips to keep in mind when considering your publication’s cover page:
Have a big, visible title that’s captivating and can’t be missed
Have a bold image that creates an impact and summarizes your content’s theme
Less is more. Avoid cluttering your cover with unnecessary content that detracts from your message.
BONUS TIP: Use grids and guides when designing your cover so you can place content more precisely. Joomag provides both options which you can read about here and here.
3. The Social Media Disconnect
We’re not talking about joining a group of people and just standing there silently, keeping to yourself while everyone else is enjoying themselves (hey, we’ve all been there). We’re talking about not using social media to promote your publications.
How to avoid: Get on social media— it’s that easy! There are so many good reasons why you should. First of all, social media is free. Second, sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are used by a majority of the U.S. population not only for connecting with friends, but for connecting content with friends too. And third, various targeting tools provided by social media sites, like Facebook Ad Campaigns and LinkedIn Advertising, can help get your publication in front of the right people for maximum exposure. If you’re curious, Joomag lets you share your publications on all major social media sites.
4. The Rush to Publish
This is a common mistake many publishers, both digital and print, make. Once they’ve got that perfect idea for their next publication, they’ll often make rushed decisions and ignore the entire point: to draw in a lot of readers. This mistake is often attributed to not having a good marketing plan.
How to avoid: SLOW DOWN. Remember that making money isn’t the most important thing. Instead, focus on building relationships with your readers so they keep coming back to your content. One way you can do so is by having a solid marketing plan that lets you create, distribute, track, and monetize your digital publication easily. And keep in mind that a perfect idea for your content doesn’t always guarantee success and ensure people will read it. You need to be proactive by slowing down and having an effective marketing plan at all times.
5. Ignoring the Competition
We know you don’t want to hear this, but there are other publishers who have similar interests as you and write about those interests in their publications. Don’t get us wrong, you are special, but a ton of publishers completely ignore their competition and then wonder why they aren’t getting more readers and views.
How to avoid: Research, research, research! Before you even start creating your publication, research your competitors’ websites, check out some of their publications, study their promotional techniques, and even request any media kits they may have. Once you have all the info you need, determine how you can set yourself apart. For example, if your competitor is good at creating magazines, try creating something else like an engaging e-newsletter. Or maybe try targeting a different audience. Either way, you’ll be making the extra effort towards separating yourself from the rest.
Conclusion: Mastering the Publishing Game
Everyone makes them, but mistakes can be avoided if necessary precautions are taken. And it’s no different in the world of digital publishing. Use our advice to ensure you’re publishing game is on point and that you keep errors to a minimum!
How can I ensure my content appeals to my target audience?
Answer: Understanding your readers' interests is key. Use tools like Joomag’s tracking analytics to discover what resonates with your audience. Tailor your content to match their interests, ensuring they're compelled to read as soon as they see your publication's title.
What role does design play in attracting readers to my publication?
Answer: Design is crucial for making a strong first impression. Ensure your publication’s cover is visually appealing with a clear, captivating title and an impactful image that reflects your content's theme. Remember, a well-designed cover acts as a bridge to your content, attracting more readers.
Why is using social media important for promoting my publication?
Answer: Social media platforms are invaluable for promotion due to their vast reach and the availability of free and paid tools to target your audience effectively. Sharing your publication on social media increases visibility and engagement, helping you connect your content with both existing and potential new readers.