Joomag Blog | Marketing, Sales and Publishing Content

The 5 Publishing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Written by Joomag | Jan 7, 2018 8:00:00 PM

What separates a great publisher from an average one? Mistakes. Lots and lots of mistakes. It’s one thing to make a mistake, but quite another to learn and grow from it.


But some errors fall through the cracks, eluding even the brightest of publishers until it’s too late. We’re not gonna let that happen. Here are 5 sneaky publishing blunders that commonly slip under the radar, and what you can do to stop them.


1. Typos

Nothing says “I don’t care about my work” more than typo after typo. Mistakes happen; we get it. But silly ones that are entirely avoidable can turn readers off instantly. Recurring typos especially can undermine readers’ confidence in your otherwise stellar content.


Recommended: Read it out loud, hire a proofreader, or use Joomag’s spell checker to ensure your copy’s syntax is squeaky clean.


2. Text-heavy content

“Texty” isn’t always sexy when it comes to your digital magazine. Publishers have to make their words count while also considering their word count. After all, studies have shown that users only read about 20% of words on a web page during an average visit.


Recommended: We’re all visual learners (see the infographic below). Break up large chunks of text with strong multimedia elements. Include videos that recap important text, bullet points, or hyperlinks to direct readers to external websites.


3. Being unsociable

Exposure in the digital publishing industry works a lot like real life. You can’t always expect people to come and meet you. In some cases, you’ll have to make the first move. That means being proactive and promoting yourself to others so that they’ll remember you. The same logic applies to digital publishers and their audiences.


Recommended: Get on social media and get on with it! With Joomag, any publication you create can be shared and promoted on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and many other social channels.


Start creating your digital publications now!​


4. Mandatory subscriptions

They’re more of an annoyance than anything and apply mainly to free magazines. Free subscription models typically require users to subscribe before they can download an issue. It makes sense, but it’s always nice to give readers an idea of the content before they subscribe to it. Nobody enjoys being roped into a commitment (even a free one) only to find that it’s not what they expected.


Recommended: Set different subscription options for different types of publication you create. For example, standalone publications usually require no subscriptions while periodicals often do.


5. No previews

Picture this: a reader is browsing a digital newsstand and happens across your lovely online magazine. She’s captivated by its title and cover page, drawn in by the possibilities of what it has to offer. She’s even ready to pay for it. But there’s a problem. She can’t preview your content because there’s no option to do so. Disappointed, she backs out and continues scanning the newsstand for a previewable magazine. Bummer, right? It happens a lot more often than you think.


Recommended: Customers, regardless of the industry, want to know more about a potential investment before committing to it. Give readers a taste of your publication by setting preview pages.


The good news: digital’s flexibility means most of these mistakes can be rectified quickly. The bad news: most publishers don’t even know they exist until after they’ve pulled the trigger. Don’t be one of them!


Keep all of the above-mentioned tips in mind and start creating your digital publication now!



1. How can I avoid typos in my digital publications?

To prevent typos and ensure your content appears professional, consider reading your work out loud, hiring a proofreader, or using digital tools like Joomag’s spell checker. These steps can help catch mistakes that might otherwise undermine your credibility.

2. What's the best way to engage readers with text-heavy content?

To make text-heavy content more engaging, incorporate multimedia elements like videos, bullet points, and hyperlinks. This approach helps break up large blocks of text and caters to the visual learning preferences of your audience, ensuring they absorb more of your content.

3. Why are subscription options and previews important for digital publications?

Flexible subscription options cater to different reader preferences, allowing for a better user experience, especially for standalone and periodical publications. Providing content previews helps potential readers gauge their interest before committing, increasing the likelihood of them investing in your publication.