Joomag Blog | Marketing, Sales and Publishing Content

Joomag’s Guide to Email Marketing (Part 3)

Written by Joomag | Apr 19, 2017 5:03:00 PM

You might be asking, “Hey Joomag, what are some common types of emails marketers use? And which ones are the best at converting leads into full-fledged subscribers?”


Well, we’re glad you asked! Those are excellent questions, so we’ll answer both in detail here.


Generally, there are 2 different types of emails marketers send to their contacts. Both, however, serve the same purpose: to promote content.

1. Personalized Emails

Personal emails introduce content and provide links to it as well (think “Read More” or “Click Here” buttons). These emails are highly personalized and segmented for a particular demographic.

2. Automated Bulk Emails

Automated emails also include links to content. Unlike personal emails, however, these emails are typically delivered in bulk via by mass mailing campaigns. Moreover, their texts, design, and overall content are uniform for every recipient.


Pro tip: Emails that are tailored towards a particular audience always receive more engagement. Although they take longer to create, they’re certainly worth the effort. Contrarily, automated emails lack that personal touch necessary for nurturing leads and sparking engagement.

The Goal of Marketing Emails

It’s also important to understand what marketers hope to accomplish with their emails. More often than not, their primary intention is to drive traffic to their website, blog, social media channel, etc. From there, visitors can view the content in its entirety.


Yet for some marketers, generating traffic isn’t the main priority; instead, providing a convenient experience is. They’ll include the entire content in the email itself for viewers to enjoy right then and there. Always remember your goals and what you intend to accomplish with your emails.


But if there’s one surefire way of marketing your content effectively via email, it’s the…

Maximizing Content Marketing via Email: The Email/Landing Page Combo

A lot of our own publishers insist that creating a complementary landing page for marketing emails is the way to go. They also highly recommend utilizing HTML email rather than plain text since the former can include interactive elements such as links, images, colors, and more.

Considering the email/landing page combo? Great, here are 5 things your email will need to maximize its open rate first:

  1. An evocative subject line that encapsulates the freshness of your content. Consider using descriptors such as “new” or “exclusive”

  2. A perfect shot of your content’s cover page

  3. A concise description of your content’s subject matter

  4. A bulleted list underscoring the main info it will deliver

  5. A “Learn/Find Out More” button that will direct users to your landing page

Essential Elements for Your Landing Page

Once readers initiate the final step above, they’ll be directed to your landing page which will need:

  1. A clear value proposition detailing the main takeaway of your content

  2. 3 good reasons why people should peruse your work

  3. A visible CTA to direct traffic to your actual content

  4. Optional. Testimonials (if you have them)

  5. Optional. A sign-up section where people can enter their contact info and subscribe to your content.

Pro tip: Include social sharing options throughout your email and landing page so people can share them with their friends easily.

Example of an Effective Email/Landing Page Combo: Airbnb

Airbnb, a leading marketplace for booking lodgings online, frequently handles their marketing emails with the love and care you rarely see these days. Take a look at the first picture below, for example. Airbnb’s marketing email poses an intriguing question and prompts users to click on an image. You’ll also notice how the CTAs are nice and transparent.


Once users click on an image’s CTA, they’re redirected to its respective landing page (shown below). Airbnb coalesced its marketing emails with its landing pages to a tee here.


As you can see, there’s a lot more to email marketing than meets the eye. In parts 1 and part 2, we covered how to grown an email list from the ground up. Here, we reviewed the optimal way to incorporate emails into landing pages. What’s next? Very exciting stuff, but you’ll have to wait and see. Though it’s bittersweet, our exciting journey will officially come to an end in part 4—coming soon!



1. What's the main difference between personalized and bulk emails?

Answer: Personalized emails are customized for specific people, making them feel more special and connected. Bulk emails are the same for everyone and are sent out to many people at once. While bulk emails save time, personalized emails are better at grabbing attention.

2. How do marketers know if their email campaigns are working?

Answer: Marketers look at things like how many people open their emails, how many click on links inside, and how many take the action the email asks for, like buying something or signing up. These numbers help them figure out if people are interested in their emails and if they're achieving their goals.

3. Why pair emails with a landing page?

Answer: Combining emails with a landing page is smart because the email starts the conversation by catching interest, and the landing page continues it by providing more details or a way to buy or sign up. This one-two punch is great for getting people to take action because it guides them smoothly from interest to action.