The 5 Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Publishing

According to the latest digital publishing studies, digital audiences spend about 2.6 seconds scanning an online page before focusing on a particular section. They also spend an average of 180 milliseconds fixating on...

The iPad Impact

Bridging the Digital Divide: The iPad's Revolutionary Impact on Industries On January 27, 2010, Steve Jobs claimed that Apple had found (or better yet, created) the missing link between the laptop and the smartphone....

The Power of Subscribers!

You cannot underestimate the importance of your subscribers! Why? Because they form the backbone of your digital publishing success. Differentiating Between Subscribers and Viewers Let’s first differentiate a subscriber...

Creating a Successful Paid Digital Magazine

Continuing from “Part I: Creating a Profitable Free Magazines”, here is: PART II: Creating a Successful Paid Digital Magazine Maybe providing free digital magazines isn’t for you. With Joomag, you can also monetize your...

3 Things that Turn Off Your Audience Every Time

We’re going to let you in on a little secret: you need to subtly condition your audience to generate more clicks, subscribes, and sales for your content. And a big part of that is being able to click with your...

How to Make Money with Your Online Magazine

As a digital publisher, you have many options available to you for monetizing your publications. Here at Joomag, we provide you with all the tools and features necessary to create a successful and profitable online...