Why Content Marketing Is Important for Your Businesses

Content marketing is the vehicle through which a brand’s voice can help customers better understand a firm’s value (i.e. why it’s beneficial) and values (what it believes in). What’s more, it helps businesses tap into...

Content Marketing 101

Marketing isn’t what it used to be. In lieu of more unobtrusive, native advertising hooks used today, companies up until the mid-to-late 90’s pitched products to consumers at will. Interruption marketing, as it’s now...

Joomag: The New Generation Sales Engagement Platform

Most businesses today are investing in multiple software applications to manage day-to-day tasks. But at what cost? Although these tools exists for a reason, they’re often unintegrated, which means companies are forced...

What Is a Sales Engagement Platform?

Understanding Sales Engagement With technology influencing conventional sales like never before, businesses are connecting products to the right buyers with pinpoint accuracy. In a study conducted by Brainshark and...

Content Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2018

Adapting to RankBrain: Mastering SEO in the Age of AI Gone are the days when well-written content optimized for search engines was enough to generate leads and drive huge traffic to websites. The vast number of content...

Using Joomag: 16 Things You Absolutely Need to Know

Viable business models deliver value through innovation. They improve their market position by adding new features to products and generating profit for companies to survive. The platform model in particular is highly...

3 Simple Ways to Win Over Prospects

It’s easy to fall into a daily routine when you’re in sales. You make the call, maintain contact with follow-up emails, and enter any important data into your CRM. But then it hits you: is your routine actually a trap?...

Joomag Launches Operations in China

We here at Joomag are incredibly pleased to announce our most recent expansion into the Chinese market! Our friends in East Asia can now experience the all-in-one business solutions platform for themselves. Joomag’s...

Sales Engagement: What It Is and Why It’s Important

Introduction to Sales Engagement Although sales technology has opened up a world of possibilities for businesses that use it, finding and retaining customers remains an ongoing challenge. Popular outreach strategies...

Joomag Receives G2 Crowd’s Coveted Leader Award!

Joomag Shines in G2 Crowd's Top 5 Content Marketing Software of Winter 2018 G2 Crowd, the popular business solutions review platform, has placed Joomag on its top 5 list of the best content marketing software of Winter...

Blogging: Should Publishers Try It, Too?

A long time ago in an Internet far, far away, blogging wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Trained professionals including reporters, editors, and publishers weren’t impressed at all when the medium first appeared in the...

5 Sneaky Mistakes That Can Kill Your Digital Publication

What separates a great publisher from an average one? Mistakes. Lots and lots of mistakes. It’s one thing to make a mistake, but quite another to learn and grow from it. But some errors fall through the cracks, eluding...