Employee Onboarding & Why You Need It

Building a Customer-Centric Company Culture

From Support to Care: A Shift in Perspective Hello, folks. I am Agnes, or Nessie Williams, as you prefer. Over the past 3.5 years, I have been working at Joomag as part of the Customer Care team. Climbing the corporate...

SEO: Frequently Asked Questions

What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization is the process of increasing the visibility of web content on search engines. In a nutshell, it makes your website more attractive to search engines so people can find it easily....

Create Car Magazines That Drive Sales

More and more consumers are relying on digital content to make informed purchasing decisions. Surprising? Not really. Cox Automotive’s 2018 study revealed that car buyers spent 60% of their time researching vehicles...

The Biggest SEO Trends to Follow in 2020

For SEO lovers like ourselves, there’s nothing juicier than a perfectly optimized piece of content. SEO, or search engine optimization, refers to the practice of making websites more attractive to search engines. It...

Put Some Extra Vroom in Your Marketing Strategy with a Car Brochure

Scouring local dealerships for that perfect car? It’s tough if you’ve never bought one before. After all, the market’s brimming with new models and designs to choose from. Should you buy one now? Or maybe it’s better to...

Everything You Need to Know about Travel Newsletters

Unlocking the Potential of Travel Newsletters in the Digital Age People loooove to travel. According to Squaremouth, the average international trip for American travelers costs $6,080. For summer vacations, Americans on...

Painting a Picture of Success via Corporate Reporting

An annual (or corporate) report is a comprehensive document that summarizes a company’s operational and financial activities during the preceding year. Most public corporations are required by law to prepare annual...

Open New Lines of Communication with Corporate Newsletters

An internal, or corporate, newsletter rounds up important information about your business in one convenient email. Chances are you’ve opened one (or a hundred) at your job already and found these inside: company updates...

Sell Better and Faster with a Product Magazine

We love the Internet. It’s our go-to resource for connecting with friends we’ve lost touch with. We’re on it to catch up on the latest news. It even lets us control our health and finances. And, of course, it’s where we...

SOPs: Getting Down to the Details in Retail

The retail life ain’t easy. People involved in your business - be they employees or managers - have a lot to do. So when things don’t go as planned, it’s frustrating. The solution? You’ll need to map out day to day...

Save Time, Effort, and Money with a Real Estate Flyer!

If you’re a realtor, you know three things: every home is unique, every listing is different, and every house is an opportunity to put your best foot forward and show clients what you’re made of. A well-designed flyer...